debut album rocked ELF
Let's be clear, Wolf Hollow is a metal band. And so what we talking about his record on the website of Resistance? The band intends to promote your music everywhere, so I sent her debut album here do not discriminate. Duende
Hollow is a good rock band with shades heavys, grunge and liberals. You can clearly influenced hard rock / heavy metal in the playing of guitarists. Bands like Megadeth and Iron Maiden, among others ¬ - are present in many of his riffs and licks.
Open 'Mary Jane', guitar track with good riffs and nuances. The color of the voice of Manuel Umberger and melodies which make you cling to it with the song. It follows
'Murderer', with a very evocative and epic melodies with maidenescos air. One of the most accomplished and closer to the 'feeling' of heavy metal. Strike down
'Crime Hymen ', which starts with riffs to Megadeth, but when you think the issue will explode and will become more aggressive, the melody of the voice breaks with the aesthetics of the genre, making it more digestible.
The next cut is instrumental. In 'Goblin Hollow' guitarists again giving vent to their tastes metalheads, showing off the taps. Halfway through the broken item with a tinge good 'feeling' and then attack with achorado riffs and dizzying.
With 'The Silence' comes the calm, a ballad in a wave radiable but with much more force and passion.
'The Hermit' and 'barking' make a small turned, more rock, ironic and irreverent.
The top of the album is interesting to 'The End', strong and depressing at the same time, "'Dying for Pie' fee-polemic that puts the hard-e 'Lunar Invasion', with riffs heavys cane.
Throughout the album, Wolf Hollow proves to be a cohesive and versatile band, which clearly highlights their guitarists. It notes that do not want to be categorized within a single genus and hence their natural habitat are the colorful concerts. Worth listening to. Goblin Hollow
is: Manuel Umberger (vocals, guitar), Julio Ramirez (guitar), James Sime (low) and Rafael Sanchez (drums). Contacts: -