Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Mouth Sores And Broken Capillaries

MMX Productions presents this Saturday November 27th at 9:00 pm the second edition of METAL MANIA XTREMA in Hatuchay in Chosica Peña (Las Vegas Lot 5A1, tap the side of Los Angeles / Chosica, over the bridge that divides Los Angeles and Chosica Chaclacayo) with the following bands: Kranium, Deadly (Huancayo), Two Face Sinner, Arcadia, Garrote, Tribal Sepulchre, Rotten Evisceration, Spiral, Adversary and Sacred Warrior. Tickets on sale: Up to 26/11, 10 soles in Spirit Records - Galleries Brazil 13 B - 2 º Piso (includes mobility to the concert, only one-way trip, poster and a magazine gift for the first 30 people) in the post Chosica craftsman Martín to 10 suns in the area of \u200b\u200bCentral Park artisans Chosica, at the height of the rides (including a poster of the concert), and the entry on the same day: S /. 12 at door (includes a gift CDr compilation CD for the first 30 people). Reports: mmxprods@hotmail.com / Phone: (01) 99708-9679.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Unblocked Acrade Games

The death metal band STYGIAN Trujillo has just released his debut CD entitled Anthems for Gate of Horror Prods. There are 7 tracks of old school death metal plus two bonus live tracks and three songs from his promotional EP.
Contacts: www.myspace.com / gateofhorror and www.myspace.com / Stygia.
Sprintpromo Ringtone 2010

Quarter Note presents the third edition of Total Thrash Attack with a very good sign: Hades, Morkill of Cusco, GX, El Viejo, Akrateia, Oppressor, necropsy, Evildamn and Epilepsy. The date is Dec. 4 at the Imperial Hall (Jr. Cailloma 824, in downtown Lima). Prices: 12 soles to 8 pm and 15 from 9:30 pm.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Can I But A Wood Stove In My Basement

Poetry can be one of the most powerful tools for the investigation of all that still holds and will continue to save the human phenomenon as buried treasure, and no doubt much of its history the appalling experiences of an intimate or Rimbaud Hölderlin constitute a fundamental part of this road. However, it would ignore the profound paradoxes that form the basis of the trade to forget that say something about poetry is always a work in vain: the unveiling of poetic language ever had the mission to see what actually was there, but only on the surface of words reached a level of real- presence in that life in the language does break the illusion of life to be alone and is a sign of community. Poetry as the language of the tribe, in this sense, the enemy of secrecy, understood in the deepest sense, only in so far as something deep within human society has been severely shaken.
Therefore, the will of testimony, account, in its deepest sense, is a of permanent trade privileges poetry, and more so when can attest to their limits. Who well knows is Jaime Pinos (Santiago, 1970), which has published this year 2010 Almanac (Santiago: Flamethrower Books), after the novel Mustafa whiskers (Santiago: Flamethrower Books, 1997) and Criminal (Santiago: Flamethrower Books, 2003). In his new book appeared, this desire for truthfulness is palpable effective and repetitive ad nauseam, and that from the very tone of the poems, his back to any pretense of embellishment, and even operator privilege. In fact, within the complex, there are several texts, even are present in the poems, are not at all a poetic creation, and indeed, even to the authorship of the poet-a story that clearly indicate their source in the radio website information, a fragment of a message my compatriots Pinochet left to be known after his death, an official of the Chief
Write looking
biography and writing.
Write looking
style and silence.
Write looking
This Location , highlighted by a capital letter, seems to appeal directly to one of the last moments of confluence between art political and artistic avant-garde in the twentieth century: the activity of
Recidivism inevitable,
same vices and hobbies.
Lost Time,
pure poetry,
among other works
perfectly useless,
noted in hopeless poem that opens the book, which describes the celebration of New Year's Eve at the table relatives, as to the happiness of the party, the speaker must recognize the somber assessment of his time and situation: Nothing new / next year (...) The same time / No future (. ..) , followed by the dubious and obviously transient delivery to happiness, one that sparkles like fireworks . It
brackets, then the meaning and value of artistic work and, therefore, that the role of the practitioner. That pure poetry, marked by futility and a marginal role, can only be doomed to alienation. The possible answer, in this sense can be put into the perspective of the thesis
Only the real negation of culture retain their meaning. She can no longer be cultural . So that is what remains, somehow, the level of culture, albeit in a completely different meaning.
This is referred to the time when the culture as separate expression of reality loses all up and is unable to account fully for any instance, must refer to his own impotence if it falls into the fallacy of a positive practice, dead. Examples of this awareness by Pinos multiply throughout the book, and before it raises the possibility of a vanishing point, through direct appeal to models in his first term are decidedly out of space art culture bourgeois
Rosa Araneda,
Hipólito José Casas,
Bernardino Guajardo,
Daniel Meneses,
Peralta Juan Bautista,
Patrick Miranda
Pancho Romero.
of anonymous poets
or lost in the mists of Chile.
Red Chronicle.
Latest News.
Verses to the human,
for literature.
words to hang
in the stall of the pitch blind.
This involves taking a writing to be able to stay out of "the general area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and representations of the historical society lived in class-divided" (Lukacs)-sphere which define and inscribe as culture in the context of modernity and their own systems of consumption and production rights. The popular lira , associated with the tabloids in the same line, blows up the procedures with which communication has sublimated popular poets traditional rhymes of the early twentieth century, to give the role of witnessing violence that makes social media similar to that displayed on their covers the latest developments: Blood signs a portrait as possible of the daily class struggle delivered to a specific code that makes them recognizable sign while jumping into the market news. The name at the time Pueta parody at the time given to the authors of the Lira Popular
marginal This character of the poetry of Pines is further underlined by another of the poems entitled "Side Note"
Poetry as
The poem as
state of affairs.
The poet as
narrator observes.
Which puts this poet is like that post- poet-observer in a plane that is the opposite of the traditional role of the operator beauty that-presumably-creation based on his imagination. The state of affairs that constitute the poem requires, then, to this observer narrator to become valid, ie reliable .
But, is this possible for this author, dwindling to just a master manipulator of words? In "UnBirthday Song" is defined so impossible to direct the recipient of the poem: the suicidal friend , reference could well be applied to the full text. This naturally implies that the poem is for anyone :
Greeting Card
unaddressed in this world,
sent somewhere
among immigrants from no man's land.
words in a vacuum,
gloss text
as death.
The text is marked by negative attributions, and the role of text ends up being rather to present the state itself - situation - the author. The log will actually cold sinks naturally in solipsism and silence.
can not be otherwise, from the moment paired Pinos is solved with reliable validity: Almanac becomes, from this perspective, an ostentatious defeat, which leaves standing only the precariousness and marginality of a subject to a post-culture that give only a non-word response, understandable and empty. This non-word takes various characters within the poems, accessing thus an important key to understanding Almanac. Be in the silence that occurs naturally in a text that was built similar to haiku, seems to fall outside the book ("HOLIDAYS") in people who swallowed earth, / quiet silenced of Plot 29 on the eponymous poem, ambient music in which silences the scream of a suicide bomber in a shopping center ("BACKGROUND MUSIC"), or the disagreements / in the empty space of language Yellow Entertainment ("Show business"), the absolute disposal of the alleged observer narrator about her that was supposed field study shows clearly the impossibility of poetic art, as well as of overcoming it. The evidence of failure is the only valid, the only evidence possible.
This inability is not born, yes, from a purely abstract language. Arises, in fact, as a clear consequence of historical development, and this is where Pinos reaches a very remarkable achievement: the grim diagnosis of society only shows its deep pit behind the glass of this alienation fundamentally and radically personal. Thus, the absolute frustration of the elderly abandoned by their families or are dismembered figures Hans Well done on purpose to indicate more than the fact of poverty or deprivation, indifference or cruelty by an abstract entity called CHILE and
Hans Pozo,
son Chile,
The central role of this sign of profound perplexity of the subject real hurt to a ruin abstract remains valid with the poem "MUSA", in which the figure of inspiration is embodied, not ironically, by a delusional and violent beggar whose last gesture, intense and briefly emerged as a separate line is disappears [r] territory. The vivid evocation of Gonzalo Millán, strongly marked by the sign of death, is but another form of this figure. Almanac
, then over to reveal a poetic determined rather reveals a tension of wills: first the consciousness that still belongs to the poetic art, which stresses its paradoxical validity to be assumed without hermetisms, directly, with all the ethical dimension to this traditionally assumed ( I choose words that you recognize , says in the "Elegy" which closes the book), and the other consistent evidence of the futility of their work-may be even the evanescence of smoke snuff as a figure that gives a nod to that effect ("ACT
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Ritetemp 6036 Operation Guide

The Beast strikes again. Bruce Dickinson and Company promised to return after the spectacular concert of 2009 at the National Stadium and will honor his word, and that Iron Maiden will be playing on Wednesday March 23, 2011 at the Stade de San Marcos as part of World Tour The Final Frontier. Tickets go on sale this November 27 in Your Inbox. Are warned! EPILEPSY