December 1986. It was the second year of the first government of Alan 'Damian' Garcia, when dirty, gray streets of Lima gave birth to Hades, the warriors of death. The trio composed Rafo damn 'junk' (bass / vocals), Armando 'Mutant' (guitar) and Tonin 'Destructor' (drums) distilled a corrosive and primitive death metal. Formed shortly after he joined John 'Aggressor' (John Capcha Tineo) in place of Armando, old mate and Rafo Toñín battle in FOG (1983).
time later, the hosts death Kike recruited an 'Satan Cumshots' instead of Rafo, with whom they recorded a 3-reharsal tracks called "Warriors of Death" in 1988. In November of that year, a street and luxurious beast called Ron King would take the grunts and the inclusion of Chris 'Death' (Carlos Sanchez) on bass, Hades became a powerful and controversial quartet that would create two of its acclaimed demos: Altar of Sacrifice (1989) and Hades Attack (1990). Topics such as Sodom and Gomorrah and Passport to Hell (based on the novel The Sixth José María Arguedas), Caligula and the Goddess of the underworld would become classics for 'mutants' Lima Center and cones.
His music crosses borders through the charting and tape traders, becoming known in South America and Europe. Appeared in several national and international fanzines, making clear that the blood carried in the old school style Brazilian (Sarcophagus, Vulcan and Sepultura) combined with thrash rhythms in the vein of Sodom and Kreator and Dark Venom and Celtic Frost .
were given contacts with international companies like Wild Rag Records and the Norwegian label Death Like Silence of Oystein Aarseth, aka Euronymous, Mayhem's guitarist. With the first failed to reach an agreement with Euronymous while everything is frustrated by his death in August 1993 by Varg Vikernes.
In 1991, with new members, Daniel Bautista 'Demolition' (drums) and Abel Ferreyros 'Sedition' (bass) - released a cassette compilation Hadez Extreme badness on the world
In May 1993, would the long-awaited debut CD, Coven by Brutal Records, the first edited by a Peruvian band of metal. I used to thrash death doom added parts, the influence of Edgar 'Noize' Umeres the new vocalist and bassist.
The CD was presented in July at a festival in the bandshell of the Champ de Mars beside Sarcophagus (Brazil), Torturer (Chile), Kobalt (Argentina) and Mortem. Public response was not the best. The old saying, nobody is prophet in his land as a prophecy fulfilled. The following year, shared the stage with Immolation (USA) and Mortem.
After some problems with Edgar, who went to Europe thanks to an invitation he received to the band, Hades came in the silence of 2 years. John Capcha, leader and main songwriter for the band, decided to move away from 'under' disappointed by the treachery of Umeres.
But Capcha has gotten into the soul 'music worm' and, as a natural leader of Hades, he returned the way with new and old warriors. He returned to find Ron King and began testing. In the midst of recording, 'little beast' re doing some tricks on the fly Capcha have to resort to an old friend, Jose Moron-better known as 'Bacteria' Ennui-vocalist of God to record vocals. The second CD Even if you die a Thousand Times sees the light in 2000 by the label Warriors Capcha death. In a second edition (2001), changed the cover-the first was the sacred mantle, and suffer a slight variation on the name Even if you die a Thousand Deaths. The criticism is not all good, especially the angry voice and magpie 'Bacteria' do not fit into the cold, dark sound of the band.
Nevertheless, Hades continued. Austral Holocaust Productions published in their demo CD Altar of Sacrifice and Hadez Attack (Damnations from the past) in 2001 and 2005 ... From the Graves, which brings reharsal items Warriors of Death, live tracks from the Carpenters' Guild demo 1990 and Extreme Badness of the World.
In 2008, Hades again make history, editing the first DVD of a Peruvian Metal Band: Ready to Suffer ... Hadez Attack Again! , Which also comes in CD.
In 2009, they released their third album Doomsday: The Death Rides with Luis Guillén 'Scharack' (Nahual, Aquam Igni, Mental Alteration) on vocals by Cold Blood Records. In 2010, the EP sees the light The Path of The Ossuary Devilish Possession by Kill Yourself Productions.
In recent years, Hades shared the stage with bands like the Inquisition (2002), Agathocles (2007), Nargaroth (2009), Malevolent Creation (2009), among others.
Apart from his musical legacy, John Capcha and company ever bothered to organize concerts and give space to new bands. Although Hades was sidelined by the 'rings' of yesteryear, this living legend Peruvian metal always contributed to the 'scene' local.
And the legend continues ... This January 29 Hadez perform a concert to celebrate its first 25 years of life and death. The appointment is in the Imperial Hall (Cailloma 824-Lima) and bands are invited to Colombia Lucifera and antemortem and national Nahual, INRI, Blacker, God Ennui, and Diabolous666 Putrid. Tickets for the concert are on sale at: Pentagram Records: Galleries Brazilian 29-B second floor - Jesus Maria. For more information, call 992-731011 (Elvis Florentini) or write or Luis Guillén pentagramrecs@hotmail.com eflorentini@hotmail.com
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