skin and clothing. VIVISECTION
charity, compassion, tolerance are qualities that adorn a beautiful person and very attractive. We all want to be appreciated and loved, we need to be accepted. We have the right because we live in this world and share the same life with everyone. So we trying to achieve perfection those qualities. And sometimes had some success, which we meet and make us see that we can rise above our own weaknesses to achieve a higher level of consciousness.
In this world we share with so many millions of human beings, we are not alone as people. Someone called the man "the king of creation." King because their intelligence allows you to be above all the lower creations. But the man shares this planet with other beings who are LIFE as himself. However, as "king" man is a tyrant and cruel King, because it draws and kills other living creatures. Inncesariamente kill others simply because as human beings, is superior. Such arrogance has the widest varieties of cruelty to their own brothers living, animals.
I not only kill to eat, raising a banner of "necessity" in a terrible battering before death, but kills to "dress up" their skin, kills to test medicines and cosmetics, kill ... kill.
To make a single coat of each variety of skin needs:
20 baby seals seals
17 adult lynx leopard
15 ocelots
12 wolves
60 mink, 60 sables
20 foxes
20 otters
30 beavers, raccoons
2 50 300
squirrels or chinchillas dozens of dogs and cats.
The techniques used to kill the animal without damaging the skin, are among others:
1. Wring the neck manually.
2. Suffocating them, locking them in a box and introducing carbon monoxide, in an agony of 30 minutes.
3. Inject a drug directly to the heart (hopefully right the first time).
4. Electrocution, hanging from their neck with a hook to introduce an electrode in the mouth and another in the anus.
5. Hung upside down and hitting their heads with a hammer.
Life is ONE, even when we are apart as individuals. There is a whole that is calling to be recognized and achieved a higher level of consciousness. An awareness that today man has, although he wishes to appear otherwise. This level will not be achieved while our brothers are slaughtered, "savagely" tortured and killed. It will not be achieved if we call ourselves tolerant, compassionate and good
. For those who are reluctant to stop buying fur, just a few details:
Astrakhan: comes from the young of the flock Afghanistan, while still living skin boots are starting with the back leg and inserting a bamboo to blow and is better off when the animal is still moving. To make a coat is required 35 copies. Are killed to make coats about 30 million a year.
VISON: spend their "whole life" 40x40x50 cages where they can only turn around but not walk even one step. Go crazy.
FOX: spend their lives in cages of 0.6 m grid floor. Due to stress many refuse to eat, go around constantly, and even get to eat the tail to the bone
Captive Breeding
Fleeing defenders of wildlife, the fur industry aims, raising minks, foxes, chinchillas and other beautiful mammals in dirty wire cages and narrow, and not to trap wild animals, but those who still flirt with the costume innocence.
About 30 million animals are forced to miserable lives until being killed. The standard measure of the cage is 70 inches long, 20 to 30 cm. wide and 40 cm. high. In the wild these animals live in large territories. An arctic fox, for example, runs a range of between 800 and 6000 hectares.
The two most commonly farmed species are mink and fox. Denmark is the largest producer of mink and fox-Finland. To a lesser number chinchillas, raccoon dog, otters, bobcats, ferrets and rabbits. Karakul lamb, Afghanistan, is killed immediately after birth to get the astrakhan, when her hair is in good condition.
Two million dogs and cats are killed each year in the big business of the skin in China, Thailand and the Philippines. As they are sold under a pseudonym, the purchaser acquires such wild cat, or Katzenfelle Goyanki, not products from cats .
As in any institutionalized exploitation, the animal is turned in order to make it serve the optimization of profits for owners. Living only a fraction of the natural duration of their lives. Living with fear, stress, disease, parasites, acute psychological disturbances and physical problems caused by continued confinement. Self-injury is common and "stereotypical behavior, typical also of the animal at the zoo: a lack of motivation, loneliness, frustration, extreme anxiety, immobility. They are fed meat scraps or even used to be used in the pet food industry for companion animals. Water is supplied in tiny containers fitted to each cage .. In winter they add an antifreeze solution, harmful to the animal- in order to prevent water turns to ice.
They are genetically manipulated animals for certain colors of fur, mutations in store are also serious physical problems. The white mink, for example, is completely deaf. Females are also hormonally driven to obtain a larger number of offspring, many of whom die just born out of extreme weakness.
Like any confined animal is very susceptible to disease, especially infectious viral enteritis, pneumonia. Also vesicular disease and bladder. Of course no shortage of fleas, ticks, lice and mites, which are added borne diseases by the large number of flies that swarm attracted by the huge piles of dung heaps by meses.Estos animals that find a way to freedom from the heat despite her abundant hair, suffer intensely in the summer and can not be refrigerated for example, water baths. Cow Leather
comes mostly from young cows, calves and even unborn calves. It is an industry associated with the meat, which is supported by using it. From Europe
raw hides are taken to the tanneries in the Third World countries where return tanned, which is used for, among other hazardous substances, a large amount of chromium, part of which is in the leather while the other goes to waste water, contaminating it. The workers are far more amount of chromium in their bodies than the rest of the population, responsible for high cancer rates among them. In Europe no one wants to do this "dirty work."
In Las Toscas, Santa Fe, Argentina, the newspaper said of the town passes a vocabulary associated with death: chromium, phenols, sulfur and acid rain, aniline, cancer, leukemia, respiratory and skin. According to report by MEP Michael Bullrich to Ceride (Regional Centre for Research and Development in Santa Fe), the level of chromium in the treated water output is four and a half times higher than allowed. Tests conducted by the population show the presence of chromium in urine values \u200b\u200bthat far exceed those accepted. Is a clear case of toxic contamination.
The dyeing process stabilizes the collagen or protein fibers, thus preventing biodegradation of the final product.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and prevention of disease), USA, found that the incidence of leukemia among residents near a factory stained and Kentucky was 5 times higher than average U.S. According to a study of New York State Health department has more than half of all victims testicular cancer dyeing factory workers.
The leather industry uses massive amounts of energy, comparable to aluminum, paper, steel, cement and petroleum manufacturing.
Other leather
sometimes from endangered species such as snakes, toads and crocodiles. The reptiles are often skinned alive. Lana
In some countries like Britain, are associated with the meat industry. When living outdoors are great time deprived of their natural insulation, which often leads to the death. Australia there are about a million annual loss exposure sheared post .. The business of farming also reached the sheep used for wool. This means moving private lives, castration, tail docking, strips of meat cut in the back rooms (to prevent flies deposit eggs) all done without anesthetic.
Angora rabbits are bred intensively to remove hair. The males are often killed at birth because of lower production. Silk
to produce 100 grams of silk worms needed 1500. Silk is produced in the cocoon of the butterfly, so the silk producers have to put the microwave or boil the cocoons so that the worms do not bite while trying to escape, so ocacionados worm death and the preservation of their product.
goose - first, these are pulled without anesthesia. how? well, it can be arresting geese neck and legs between the knees or stopping them from who you are booting. and of course, that will not pollute, they put disinfectant at the time (anyone want alcohol in the wound?). geese to pluck feathers are eight weeks old and depues two or three times in periods of about two months. and when it produces more feathers, goose meat is used, or to produce foie gras.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Software Pinnacle Pctv150e
believe that no end is ethically acceptable, paraexplotar, abusing and killing animals, and when we say none is NO, the animals have their own purposes, their own experiences, their own feelings, they suffer, enjoy, in order sientten like nosotrxs humanxs vegan, so it must be more than enough excuse to respect their lives and stay away from them, letting them enjoy the freedom, the freedom that we stubbornly humanxs vegan claim, ignoring the others.
But hey, it show the hidden faces of various "specialties" of torture inflicted on beings who are different from us.
In this part we show a bit of branches cruelest exploitation vivisection. 70% of the experiments are to investigate arms, 20% to test cosmetics and only 10% is used for human benefit lie (which does not approve of) as it is shown that excuses are not real or credible.
100 million animals die each year in the hands of vivisection, behind the dead for "food" is the biggest nightmare for animals.
"The greatest trick the vivisectors lies in the secrecy and sacredness of their experiments" Dr. G. Noto. ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS
"According to our present knowledge can not be checked and the likely effect drug or its effectiveness or its safety in humans through animal testing. " D Herbert Hensel, a pharmacologist
Vivisection (dissection of a living animal) dates back to Galen An enthusiastic vivisector that defy the law enunciated by Hippocrates, under which "all beings differ from each other physically and functionally" was unauthorized as a doctor but could find political support to create a school based on huge nonsense. From their observations animals emerged, among other "scientific" conclusions that the pus was beneficial for healing, or hygiene was unnecessary. Thanks to their political and religious support (it was long the official doctor of the Catholic Church), medical science has been done and continues determined to implement an outright unscientific premise. Even in the nineteenth century women were dying after giving birth because doctors do not consider it necessary to address them wash their practices after dissecting corpses. Thank
Vivisection, science and pharmacology have advanced. This is perhaps the greatest fraud that humanity has ever faced. No scientific advance is attributable to the results of animal testing, but despite them and because lucky coincidences. The reduction in mortality, a longer life expectancy and the disappearance of most illnesses are due to improved nutrition and hygiene and clinical statistical analysis.
real applications VIVISECTION
We have all been properly conditioned since childhood to believe that vivisection is reliable, and is necessary for humanitarian purposes. We have been subjected to emotional blackmail, asking us to choose between our dog and our son. The truth is that applications that are pursued have little to do with our health and wellbeing. Quite the contrary: only 10% of global research in animals intended for healthcare. The 30% is research in cosmetology, which is not compulsory and will be prohibited from June 1, 2000 in the European Union. The rest, 60% to develop weapons. In short, vivisector industry works to know how to kill, and not for humanitarian purposes.
VIVISECTION LAW: "All that this proves to some extent, is shown in its entirety"
Let's start shelling:
The differences between people set out by Hippocrates was confirmed even from mother to child, from one sex to another, and, a fortiori, from one species to another. The researchers themselves acknowledge that this law is true, as in the case of BSE, they wonder how the disease has been able to skip the "species barrier"
Animals are immune to most of our diseases, or develop a way differently, or when they are inoculated articificialmente not react the same. Animals do not suffer
phenomena of transplant rejection, and this remains the primary factor of death among transplant. Certain
animals used for research tolerate harmful or fatal to humans, but they die or are sick with harmless to us @ s. Example: cats do not support aspirin, rats do not synthesize vitamin C, penicillin is lethal to guinea pigs, but they, like chickens and hands, can consume large doses of strychnine to kill humans. Another example: Digitalina so beneficial to heart patients, was declared toxic in 1911 as a result of animal experiments, the chloroform is toxic to dogs, a dose of Belladonna, enough to kill a human being, is insufficient to rabbits and goats. Arsenic does not harm the sheep, but the almond can kill foxes and chickens anesthesia and morphine calms humans but excites cats and mice violently. Etc. These examples denote the unreliability of vivisection, which make the last human guinea pig.
animals used for experimental models are not reliable due to the artificial conditions of both maintenance and caused the causes that lead to illness. Wild animals such as monkeys are violently abducted from their surroundings and taken to the laboratory in conditions of extreme hardness (only 10% reach their destination alive.) In the laboratory, animals are deprived of space, natural light, social life and tortured, usually to their peers or close enough to them so that they realize. All this generates a stress to alter any outcome.
addition to the artificial conditions of life of animals, this so-called science:
It strives to recreate the phenomenon of the disease, leaving the case to one side. For example, cancer research is mainly based on recreating the phenomenon to eradicate tumor but not in viestigar the cause of the disease will manifest. Try
infecting healthy animals with human diseases that develop due to genetic, environmental, psychological, nutritional or behavioral problems. Manage
substances in animals differently to practicing in humans. For example, nicotine administered intravenously to rats when inhaled by humans.
He regularly exposed to the animal to a particular substance, when the human does so irregularly.
Millions of animals are tortured and endlessly repeated in laboratories around the world. Many come from wild environment, but also on farms or kennels. The species commonly used in laboratories around the world are:
rats, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits. In experiments on cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, thrombosis, toxicity tests, LD50, Test Draize eye irritability, birth defects.
Primates (balbuinos, chimpanzees). Used mainly on birth defects research, hepatitis B, orthopedics, AIDS, dental studies, hypertension, reproduction, polio vaccines and military research.
dogs (especially beagles), cats, pups and horses including: surgery, medicine, pediatrics, neurology, urology, gynecology and veterinary medicine.
sheep and pigs. Medical and military research (radiation, chemical weapons ...), xenotransplantation, genetic engineering, cloning. Utlizando also amphibians and fish for research.
"Now, when new research has allowed real progress and have amply demonstrated the unscientific nature of vivisection, one wonders why people still insists on using animals in laboratories." (Dr. L. Franken)
There is a huge sum of taxpayers' money used to finance a host of useless and grotesque experiments in which perfectly healthy animals are turned into alcoholics and addicts drugs. However, there is no money available to help the millions of human beings are being destroyed, not only by drugs and alcohol, but also the lack of hope that they face when they are denied treatment due to this criminal waste of precious resources. The same goes for the increasing number of people suffering from mental illness, which often completely ignored, while incredible amounts of money are gobbled up by national Mental Health and many other psychological experiments or otherwise in that the animals are artificially crazy. It is important to remember that the vast majority of homeless people are drug addicts, alcoholics or mentally ill.
medical and scientific fraud of vivisection is based on the following lies that the rule biomedical constantly fed to the public in every country in the world with the help of the media.
· First lie: According to experimental research, it is possible to recreate in a healthy animal (which the investigators called "animal model for human disease"), a disease developed naturally by the human. First scientific fact: It is impossible, by definition, trying to recreate spontaneous human disease in a healthy animal (or even another human). Simply because once disease is established, it is artificial, and longer disease original natural. The terms "natural" and "recreated" are clearly contradictory terms, for both experimental research can not in any way to find cures for any illness, no matter how many millions of experiments in animals or humans are carried out (experiments in humans are common.) It is possible, sometimes, to recreate the symptoms of a disease, but never the disease itself. The only exception to this rule are infectious diseases, but animals do not get human infectious diseases, nor humans can contract the infectious animal diseases. Vivisectors why not get a single animal infected with the human AIDS, despite countless efforts to create an "animal model of human AIDS." (In addition, a non-human animal can not have a human disease, since each species is a different biochemical entity). Obviously, prevention is the best solution. However, once the disease has been declared, the only hope of a cure is the clinical research or clinical observation of those humans who have developed the disease. Clinical research is the only way to get valid answers. Tragically, we continue to fund experimental research almost entirely excluding the prevention and clinical research.
• Second lie: is possible to learn the anatomy and physiology study four-legged animals, fish or poultry. Second scientific fact: The animals are completely different from the human (and differ) for genetic reasons, histiológicas, anatomical, physiological, immunological, emotional, psychological, sexual and social. It is clear that human medicine can not be based on veterinary medicine.
· Third lie: is possible to predict human reactions to drugs, vaccines and other chemicals through animal testing. Third scientific fact: The animals do not react like humans, not even like other animals, drugs, vaccines and other chemicals. Hence the incalculable damage to human health by drugs and vaccines.
· Fourth lie: Animal testing is useful for learning about animal diseases in veterinary schools .. Fourth scientific fact: As in the first scientific fact, no knowledge on animal diseases can be obtained by studying artificially diseased animals (experimental research)
"Legislators have an obligation to take into account the highly scientific arguments against vivisection absurd" (Dr . Mecheri M. Biology).
Even in the veterinary field, vivisection. But this is a very successful business that pulls the strings of politics by financing the campaigns of candidates that dominate the higher echelons of the financial world through their boards of directors and may push for laws that allow them to evade responsibilities penalties for error, and worse, laws that allow them to make mistakes and get more money to repeat his mistake. This sprawling fraud contaminates and corrupts the society in all its forms:
Health: Researchers lose our time and our money vital to base to build their careers and fatten multinationals while we suffer and die.
Ecology: It allows toxic substances to endorse as safe as we poison and destroy the environment.
Ethics: We become complicit in torture and destruction of beings capable of suffering.
science and scientific research as human beings. To replace animals in search of information on human disease and its treatment, but also to experience the effects of thousands of substances there are several alternatives that have proven their reliability to gain valuable information on the diagnosis, cause and treatment of human health problems. Examples:
· Models mathematicians and computer
· Cultivate
· Cultivate tissue bacterial genetics
• Engineering
· Guides and audiovisual aids
· gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
· Studies population clinical and epidemiological
• And more ...
Each time a human first test substance, although it has been tried a thousand times in animals, that human will run the same risks as if the substance had not been proven. We are all guinea pigs. The difference is that we do not know, do not authorize or even benefit from it.
· Information: read what leading scientists reveal about the true implications of vivisection (see bibliography).
· Help us destroy this lie distributing this pamphlet.
· Participates in protest activities and education.
· You can support us directly by becoming a member of ALA @
· "Holocaust", Dr. Milly Schar-Manzoli
· "The Taboo of vaccines," Dr. Milly Schar-Manzoli
· "Science without borders" - LIMAV conferences (International League Against Vivisection deMédicos)
· "Revelation Ebola, Dr. Milly Schar-Manzoli
·" Why must stop the genocide of the animals, "Dr. Vernon Coleman
·" The Golden Voice "Dr. Milly Schar-Manzoli
·" The Mafia Health ", Dr. Milly Schar-Manzoli
·" The Massacre of the Innocents "Video of the LIMAV
·" The Dictatorship of Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Dr. Louis Von de Brouwer.
· "maternal deprivation. Experiments in Psychology", Martin L. Stephens.
· "Health and Infection. Rise and Fall of the vaccines," Fernand Delarue (from League for Freedom of Vaccination).
· "Animal Liberation" Peter Singer
· Archives of ALA.
"Vivisection is a Russian roulette whose latest victim is a human being" ALA
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Females Geting Nipples Pierced
The life of a dairy cow
Consumers who avoid meat for ethical reasons often still see dairy foods such as merciful, for they do not kill the animal. But the products obtained from cow's milk are anything but compassion for the cows and their calves.
Far from the popular belief that grow happily in the green meadows countryside, much of the dairy cows are raised in a deplorable conditions: overcrowding, dirt, heavy milking, poor feeding, forced pregnancy, administration of hormones, antibiotics and tranquilizers, etc.
The mechanic replaced the manual milking and milking animals allows 2 or 3 times a day. This system, besides being annoying, it causes injury, inflammation and infection of the udder.
To keep milk production high, it is necessary that the cow has become pregnant each year. After delivery, the production is maximum, and for 10 months may be milked until the next pregnancy. This is done by artificial insemination artificial or embryo implantation. The calves born unwanted and supply industry of beef and veal. Some people still believe that cows "give" milk the same way as the tap water, unable to understand that the cows must give birth once a year to keep producing milk. When productivity falls and they stop being profitable (after 4 to 5 lactations, on average), are sent to slaughter offal to transform its popular cheap burgers and sausages
Consumers who avoid meat for ethical reasons often still see dairy foods such as merciful, for they do not kill the animal. But the products obtained from cow's milk are anything but compassion for the cows and their calves.
Far from the popular belief that grow happily in the green meadows countryside, much of the dairy cows are raised in a deplorable conditions: overcrowding, dirt, heavy milking, poor feeding, forced pregnancy, administration of hormones, antibiotics and tranquilizers, etc.
The mechanic replaced the manual milking and milking animals allows 2 or 3 times a day. This system, besides being annoying, it causes injury, inflammation and infection of the udder.
To keep milk production high, it is necessary that the cow has become pregnant each year. After delivery, the production is maximum, and for 10 months may be milked until the next pregnancy. This is done by artificial insemination artificial or embryo implantation. The calves born unwanted and supply industry of beef and veal. Some people still believe that cows "give" milk the same way as the tap water, unable to understand that the cows must give birth once a year to keep producing milk. When productivity falls and they stop being profitable (after 4 to 5 lactations, on average), are sent to slaughter offal to transform its popular cheap burgers and sausages
"The life of any animal is more valuable than that of the torturer "(Roni lee)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Renew Liquor License Ontario
Veganism is a lifestyle, with an ethical foundation based on non-
cruelty to animal life forms, especially non-human
understand veganism as the avoidance of any animal product or its prducción has a background of violence and exploitation to some species, whatever their size or shape, whether they are meat (all kinds), dairy products, eggs, honey, jellies and not just use food if not of any leather, fur, wool, silk, etc tec.
As an extension of the classic moral vegetarianism, veganism see this incomplete release to carry the animal to something concrete. Not enough to no-kill, behind the dairy, for example there are thousands of hidden torture, brutal exploitation of animals, while not being killed in the first point to eat, or are exploited for their lives to acquire braves ( steal) milk, eggs or any product.
why veganism is the key weapon to fight for animal liberation honestly. I emphasize that our philosophy is purely ethical, in the background enjoying the health benefits that entails a diet without animal products, this is for them, not us. NO
must ask, Can they reason?, They can talk?, If not: can undergo?
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