charity, compassion, tolerance are qualities that adorn a beautiful person and very attractive. We all want to be appreciated and loved, we need to be accepted. We have the right because we live in this world and share the same life with everyone. So we trying to achieve perfection those qualities. And sometimes had some success, which we meet and make us see that we can rise above our own weaknesses to achieve a higher level of consciousness.
In this world we share with so many millions of human beings, we are not alone as people. Someone called the man "the king of creation." King because their intelligence allows you to be above all the lower creations. But the man shares this planet with other beings who are LIFE as himself. However, as "king" man is a tyrant and cruel King, because it draws and kills other living creatures. Inncesariamente kill others simply because as human beings, is superior. Such arrogance has the widest varieties of cruelty to their own brothers living, animals.
I not only kill to eat, raising a banner of "necessity" in a terrible battering before death, but kills to "dress up" their skin, kills to test medicines and cosmetics, kill ... kill.
To make a single coat of each variety of skin needs:
20 baby seals seals
17 adult lynx leopard
15 ocelots
12 wolves
60 mink, 60 sables
20 foxes
20 otters
30 beavers, raccoons
2 50 300
squirrels or chinchillas dozens of dogs and cats.
The techniques used to kill the animal without damaging the skin, are among others:
1. Wring the neck manually.
2. Suffocating them, locking them in a box and introducing carbon monoxide, in an agony of 30 minutes.
3. Inject a drug directly to the heart (hopefully right the first time).
4. Electrocution, hanging from their neck with a hook to introduce an electrode in the mouth and another in the anus.
5. Hung upside down and hitting their heads with a hammer.
Life is ONE, even when we are apart as individuals. There is a whole that is calling to be recognized and achieved a higher level of consciousness. An awareness that today man has, although he wishes to appear otherwise. This level will not be achieved while our brothers are slaughtered, "savagely" tortured and killed. It will not be achieved if we call ourselves tolerant, compassionate and good
. For those who are reluctant to stop buying fur, just a few details:
Astrakhan: comes from the young of the flock Afghanistan, while still living skin boots are starting with the back leg and inserting a bamboo to blow and is better off when the animal is still moving. To make a coat is required 35 copies. Are killed to make coats about 30 million a year.
VISON: spend their "whole life" 40x40x50 cages where they can only turn around but not walk even one step. Go crazy.
FOX: spend their lives in cages of 0.6 m grid floor. Due to stress many refuse to eat, go around constantly, and even get to eat the tail to the bone
Captive Breeding
Fleeing defenders of wildlife, the fur industry aims, raising minks, foxes, chinchillas and other beautiful mammals in dirty wire cages and narrow, and not to trap wild animals, but those who still flirt with the costume innocence.
About 30 million animals are forced to miserable lives until being killed. The standard measure of the cage is 70 inches long, 20 to 30 cm. wide and 40 cm. high. In the wild these animals live in large territories. An arctic fox, for example, runs a range of between 800 and 6000 hectares.
The two most commonly farmed species are mink and fox. Denmark is the largest producer of mink and fox-Finland. To a lesser number chinchillas, raccoon dog, otters, bobcats, ferrets and rabbits. Karakul lamb, Afghanistan, is killed immediately after birth to get the astrakhan, when her hair is in good condition.
Two million dogs and cats are killed each year in the big business of the skin in China, Thailand and the Philippines. As they are sold under a pseudonym, the purchaser acquires such wild cat, or Katzenfelle Goyanki, not products from cats .
As in any institutionalized exploitation, the animal is turned in order to make it serve the optimization of profits for owners. Living only a fraction of the natural duration of their lives. Living with fear, stress, disease, parasites, acute psychological disturbances and physical problems caused by continued confinement. Self-injury is common and "stereotypical behavior, typical also of the animal at the zoo: a lack of motivation, loneliness, frustration, extreme anxiety, immobility. They are fed meat scraps or even used to be used in the pet food industry for companion animals. Water is supplied in tiny containers fitted to each cage .. In winter they add an antifreeze solution, harmful to the animal- in order to prevent water turns to ice.
They are genetically manipulated animals for certain colors of fur, mutations in store are also serious physical problems. The white mink, for example, is completely deaf. Females are also hormonally driven to obtain a larger number of offspring, many of whom die just born out of extreme weakness.
Like any confined animal is very susceptible to disease, especially infectious viral enteritis, pneumonia. Also vesicular disease and bladder. Of course no shortage of fleas, ticks, lice and mites, which are added borne diseases by the large number of flies that swarm attracted by the huge piles of dung heaps by meses.Estos animals that find a way to freedom from the heat despite her abundant hair, suffer intensely in the summer and can not be refrigerated for example, water baths. Cow Leather
comes mostly from young cows, calves and even unborn calves. It is an industry associated with the meat, which is supported by using it. From Europe
raw hides are taken to the tanneries in the Third World countries where return tanned, which is used for, among other hazardous substances, a large amount of chromium, part of which is in the leather while the other goes to waste water, contaminating it. The workers are far more amount of chromium in their bodies than the rest of the population, responsible for high cancer rates among them. In Europe no one wants to do this "dirty work."
In Las Toscas, Santa Fe, Argentina, the newspaper said of the town passes a vocabulary associated with death: chromium, phenols, sulfur and acid rain, aniline, cancer, leukemia, respiratory and skin. According to report by MEP Michael Bullrich to Ceride (Regional Centre for Research and Development in Santa Fe), the level of chromium in the treated water output is four and a half times higher than allowed. Tests conducted by the population show the presence of chromium in urine values \u200b\u200bthat far exceed those accepted. Is a clear case of toxic contamination.
The dyeing process stabilizes the collagen or protein fibers, thus preventing biodegradation of the final product.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and prevention of disease), USA, found that the incidence of leukemia among residents near a factory stained and Kentucky was 5 times higher than average U.S. According to a study of New York State Health department has more than half of all victims testicular cancer dyeing factory workers.
The leather industry uses massive amounts of energy, comparable to aluminum, paper, steel, cement and petroleum manufacturing.
Other leather
sometimes from endangered species such as snakes, toads and crocodiles. The reptiles are often skinned alive. Lana
In some countries like Britain, are associated with the meat industry. When living outdoors are great time deprived of their natural insulation, which often leads to the death. Australia there are about a million annual loss exposure sheared post .. The business of farming also reached the sheep used for wool. This means moving private lives, castration, tail docking, strips of meat cut in the back rooms (to prevent flies deposit eggs) all done without anesthetic.
Angora rabbits are bred intensively to remove hair. The males are often killed at birth because of lower production. Silk
to produce 100 grams of silk worms needed 1500. Silk is produced in the cocoon of the butterfly, so the silk producers have to put the microwave or boil the cocoons so that the worms do not bite while trying to escape, so ocacionados worm death and the preservation of their product.
goose - first, these are pulled without anesthesia. how? well, it can be arresting geese neck and legs between the knees or stopping them from who you are booting. and of course, that will not pollute, they put disinfectant at the time (anyone want alcohol in the wound?). geese to pluck feathers are eight weeks old and depues two or three times in periods of about two months. and when it produces more feathers, goose meat is used, or to produce foie gras.
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