vegans Many times we branded as extremists or crazy, for trying to defend and protect even the smallest living animal.
People give the example of most faithful face speciesism when one is interested, (and in some cases not even that) just because your favorite pet for your dog or cat, etc., Showing a horrible apathy any other animal in nature. This is how show his dismay when we say we do not use WOOL, SILK, colors or kill ants do not consume the "fabulous" Honey. And it's the latter of which we now report touches.
All animals deserve respect, because they are sentient beings who are in this world on their own and their own interests, not to be "used" for humanity.
Bees are not the exception to the rule, their small sizes are not grounds for exclusion from the respect, nor reason for not defending as much as a cow or a cat in the laboratory.
Bees are manipulated to get many products for human use, honey, wax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly and venom. They are intelligent insects that have been described as having a complex communication systems. Because
is flying free the bees are also generally considered free of the usual cruelties of the livestock industry. However, bees are mostly treated just like any other farm animal. Undergo checkups and handling, artificial feeding regimes, drug and pesticide treatment, genetic manipulation, artificial insemination, transportation (air, rail and road) and sacrifice.
Queen for a year - maybe two
In the production of honey, usually artificially inseminated queens with sperm obtained from decapitated male. The queens are systematically slaughtered every two years because after a period time their egg production capacity decreases, so the whole hive becomes unproductive and unprofitable. In Israel they are killed and renewed every year. Bees crushed
When beekeepers manipulate combs, many bees die crushed. Often, the hives are sprayed with smoke to calm bees and easy handling. Place locks or special devices that violate the space of bees to collect the goods as they enter the hive. It separates the bees from their hives by shaking vigorously or ejecting them with powerful air currents. Can break legs or wings clipped.
Cut the wings prevents swarming queens and go flying. Swarming is the way breeding natural growth and survival of the species, at least in the wild. However, beekeepers are constantly trying to avoid this natural phenomenon using artificial pheromones and cutting off their wings to maintain their colony under control. Artificial feeding
Beekeepers usually feed their colonies with pollen and artificial substitutes white sugar syrup, usually to replace the honey that they have been removed. If these practices are carried out over long time periods are reducing the productivity and longevity of the hive. Colonies should be fed with their own natural food - honey and pollen - producing bees born with larger and more vigorous. Pesticides
Beekeepers have become dependent on the use of synthetic pesticides and antibiotics to combat pests, and this has led to problems for both toxicological beekeepers themselves to the bees as well as risks of contamination of honey. There
transported Bees purchase and sale of bees worldwide. Transport implies that the bees suffer stress, suffocation, overheating, or cold. Many die buried in coffins are their packages. Main
Honey Producers
traded between about 250,000 and 300,000 tons of honey in the world and really produce twice that amount. There are six main honey producers in the world: China, United States, Mexico, Argentina, Canada and Germany. Health Risks
honey and other bee products from are widely used in traditional medicine. However, it is strongly recommended for people with asthma or allergies do not make honey or royal jelly, having producidovarias deaths and serious illnesses. Honey is not appropriate for children under twelve months the risk of botulism. Bees have been seen drinking at wastewater treatment plants, and is known to collect tar, glues, adhesive and paint instead of propolis! Besides the nutritional comparison of the major nutrients of honey and elazúcar shows that raw sugar is higher in protein, calories, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, chloride, vitamin B6, folic acid and pantothenic acid and biotin. The sometimes dubious benefits of bee products do not guarantee the use and abuse of bees. There are many other alternative medicines effective non-animal origin. Facts about bees
The bee flies about 800 km in their working life and produce just half a teaspoon of honey. A queen can produce half a million eggs in their natural life cycle. However, only let him live 2 years in the business world producing 150,000 eggs per year. In calm conditions the worker bee flies to 24 km per hour and up to 40 km for short periods of time, and works from 7 to 10 hours.
Honey Bee products - is a predigested food made by bees from the nectar. The bees collect nectar from flowers and store it in their first stomach. That is partially digested and converted into the substance we call honey. It is a food source for bees and stored in the hive for the lean months of winter. The metabolism of honey produces heat, which keeps the temperature of the hive in 17 - 34 degrees. Humans use it as food, medicine and cosmetics and toiletries
Beeswax - Segregated by eight small glands placed under the abdomen of the bee. The soft wax is poured into eight pockets beneath the glands where it solidifies. Once in the mouth, working bees wax in the form of hexagonal cells called combs, which are used to form the basic structure of the hive. The wax used in cosmetics, toiletries, pharmaceuticals, polishes and candles.
Propolis - is a resinous substance collected from trees by bees. It is used to fill holes, varnishing and reinforce the hive. Also use it as a natural antibiotic, antiviral agent, and fungicide. Humans use it in medicine, and as a dietary supplement.
Polen - The bees collect from flowers and carry it the hive on the hind legs where it is stored. It along with honey, their food source. Pollen collection by humans, requires the installation of special hatches in the hive, it booted. Used as a dietary supplement.
Royal Jelly - a sticky fluid is creamy-white, a mixture of two secretions from the glands of worker bees and the only source of nutrition for the queen throughout her life. Because of that royal jelly can become a queen bee, some people think that eating it can regain its lost youth. China, where techniques have been devised for reducing collection costs, is the leading exporter of royal jelly. The details of the collection methods are kept under strict secrecy.
Poison - The collection of bee stings requires the installation of an electrically charged membrane in front of the hive. When bees colliding with it, get an electric shock and sting the membrane, placing the poison, which is valued for its supposed medicinal qualities. Statistics
are consumed around 22,000 tonnes of honey in the UK each year, mostly imported from New Zealand, China, Argentina and Mexico. There are about 40,000 beekeepers in the UK, but probably only 320 are semi-commercial enterprises or commercial. Alternatives to honey
There are many sweeteners may be used instead of honey brown
• Sugar Maple Syrup
· concentrated fruit juices
· Molasses
· Extract Syrup
Adaptation of a text by David Román in Vegan Society page
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