We know too that the multimillion-dollar cigarette companies want to sell us on attractive commercial advertising slogans seriously affect our health. We know it is very likely to get any kind of cancer ... lung, tongue, or respiratory diseases, chronic cough, etc, etc. .. Well that we can learn just by reading a little or minimal l inquiry or consultation doctor just to tell us that smoking, in the long or short, kills us!.
Now what mass media do not tell, nor ever will say is that too many lives die before you took that cigar in his mouth.
The use of snuff, and traditional cigarettes are tested on innocent animals before, they had never chosen to smoke, much less be checking that crap for which you pay to get you sick, are approved for human consumption by the health agencies of governments.

Some animal experiments may be:
Cutting holes in beagles' throats through which the dogs are forced to breathe smoke snuff concentrate for a whole year. Inserting electrodes into dogs' penises to test the effects of smoking on sexual functioning. Masks with straps tying in the face of rats, mice and monkeys and Forcing to breathe smoke snuff. Forcing dogs to be on mechanical ventilators and chronically exposing them to smoke snuff. Rhesus monkeys in restraining chairs with brain devices (stereotactic or needle electrodes) and exposing them to nicotine and cafeía to see how caffeine and nicotine affects their breathing. Experiment after experiment trying to prove or even more disconcerting, disapprove, in rats, mice, hamsters, sheep, dogs, cats, monkeys and other animals, what they already knew the medical community about the effects in humans, for example: - Smoking causes lung, larynx, tongue, salivary glands, mouth, stomach and cervix. - Smoking contributes to bladder cancer, kidney, pancreas and stomach. - The 50-55% of heart attacks in the U.S. are directly attributable to the use of snuff. - Smoking reduces the body's resistance to disease. - Nicotine is addictive. But the experiments continue ... Millions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of animal lives ... Imagine all that money Hueber been used in education, health services or drug treatment for pregnant mothers, not cruel experiments. Imagine what good could be done!
At this time, the pregnant monkeys of the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center (ORPRC) are caught in small, barren metal cages, to expose their fetuses to nicotine. Formed by the U.S. government, the experimenter Eliot Spindel said that "the deleterious effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy are too well established." His study of 5 years, during which kill the baby monkeys and dissect their lungs, will be funded with taxpayer money in 2004.
following All trademarks containing glycerol (many also contain animal ingredients, including honey, chocolate liquor, urea, etc.). : American Alpine Accord
"B" Barclay Basic Belair Benson & Hedges Best Value Bristol Bucks Cambridge Camel Carlton Capry Century Chesterfield Collector's Choice Commander Daves Doral DRUM Eclipse Inglés Ovals GPC Herbert Tareyton Horizon Kent Kool L & M Lark Lucky Strike Magna Marlboro Merit Misty Monarch More Newport Pallmall Parliament Players PM International Prime Private Stock Raleigh Richland Riviera Salem Saratoga Silva Thins Sterling Summit Tall Tareyton Vantage Viceroy Virginia Slims YSL
most boycotted brand today, its practice is PHILLIP MORRIS vivisectionists , which makes the damn best-selling cigarette, Marlboro
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